Camrose & District Meals on Wheels

A program of Camrose & District FCSS.  Meals are prepared fresh at Twists & More.
a) Fresh Meal Program – $15.00:  Meals with side dishes are delivered as a hot meal on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11:00 a.m. – 12:15.  Fresh meals include choice of salad or soup and dessert.
b) Frozen Meal Program: $9.50 frozen meals(main course only) are delivered as a Frozen Meal on Tuesdays and occasionally on Thursdays alongside the fresh meal delivery.
c) Out of Town Orders for Frozen Meals:  are available to residents in Camrose County, including the villages of Bawlf, Bittern Lake, Edberg, Ferintosh, Hay Lakes, and Rosalind.  Please contact the MOW Program Coordinator for information.