Camrose Women's Shelter Society
Information: 780-679-4975
Crisis Line: 780-672-1035
24 Hr Crisis Line: 1-877-672-1010
Email: crisiswork@camrosewomenshelter.org
Camrose Women’s Shelter Society (CWSS) has been providing shelter and services for women and children fleeing abuse since 1985. This is an emergency shelter that provides a safe, supportive place for women and children fleeing domestic violence, or experiencing a crisis or homelessness. The shelter provides services to clients in the greater Camrose area and operates on a 24/7 basis. Over the years, the emergency shelter has offered 22 beds within 7 separate bedrooms with only minimal variation in capacity. Though the emergency shelter is located in Camrose, it serves a much larger geographic area and a total population of approximately 127,000 people.
Beyond provision of basic needs within the shelter, CWSS provides supportive counselling, referrals, safety planning and provides information about domestic violence and life skills groups. Women and children are supported with their personal goals and connected with other community organizations as needed.
In addition to the shelter services, CWSS offers the following programs:
- A crisis line available 24/7 and provides emotional support, safety planning, advocacy and referrals.
- An Outreach Program to assist women transition from the emergency shelter into the community.
- A Family Support Program that provides a wide range of emotional, educational and informative supports regarding the effects of family violence on children
- An on-site School Program that provides classroom instruction that is consistent with Alberta Education curriculum while tailored to a child’s academic ability.
We Support Women and Children in Crisis
Camrose Women’s Shelter Society operates an emergency shelter providing a safe, supportive place for women and children who are escaping domestic violence, in a crisis situation or who may be homeless. An average of 400 women and children from Camrose and surrounding communities seek refuge at our shelter each year. After they leave, many continue to access the outreach programming offered through the shelter.
The shelter accommodates up to seven families and is wheelchair accessible. Beyond provision of basic needs (food, clothing, shelter,) we provide supportive counseling, referrals, safety planning, information on domestic violence and life skills groups. The shelter has an on-site grades 1-12 school, and a licensed daycare program onsite. Women and children are supported with their personal goals and connected with other community organizations as they transition away from the shelter towards safe housing and community supports.
Our Facilities:
- Emergency Shelter Capacity: 7 rooms, 22 beds, not including second stage shelter
- Serenity Room for quiet time/space
- First & Second Stage Shelter. Concept design possibility.
For more information about Emergency Accommodations, contact our Program Coordinator at 780-679-4975 ext. 6.