Spirit of the Land
We are a group of students, teachers and community folks from Camrose and the U of A’s Augustana Campus, with support from the Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life, who have been inspired to work together reshaping our connection to community and land.
Our work began with creating awareness and dialogue about hydraulic fracturing in Alberta. Towards those ends, we hosted one of Canada’s largest multi perspective conferences on the topic – “Responsibility for the Land: Conversations on Fracking in Alberta” (http://frackingab.wordpress.com/).
Inspired by the success of the conference, we deepened our scope to connect spirituality, community and ecology as our principle focuses. Thus Spirit of the Land was born. Each year we host various events alongside an undergraduate university course that is open to the public. Our annual conference takes place every fall with attendees from across Alberta and around the world.
In addition to education, Spirit of the Land has sparked a successful nonprofit social enterprise – Newo Global Energy – which is developing several divisions in the areas of solar technology, water conservation and permaculture (www.newo.energy).
As this is an ongoing community-based initiative, everyone is welcome! Your suggestions and input are appreciated.