Camrose Curling Academy
The Camrose Academy of Curling Society (CACS) was formed in late November, 2012. The Academy involves a partnership of the Rose City Curling Club, the Battle River School Division, the Augustana Campus of the U of A and the City of Camrose.
The Mission of the CACS is:
To create a curling academy in Camrose that will be recognized as a destination for domestic and international students to develop curling skills and excel in academics.
Objectives of the CACS are:
Provide the resources and environment to develop high performance and excellence in curling for students at all levels within the Academy
Provide new and exciting programs to ensure the ongoing viability and growth of the Rose City Curling Club
Develop the Curling Academy into a world class program of curling excellence
The Board of Directors include:
Darren McDermott – Chair
Brenda Bohmer – Vice-Chair
Roger Galenza – Secretary-Treasurer
Neil Bratrud – Director
Darren McDermott – President of the Rose City Curling Club
Beth Kushnerick – Director
Max Lindstrand – Director
Greg Ryan – Director
General Manager – Ken Duggan
Co-ordinator – Marketing / Recruitment – Sherry Bratrud
Webmaster – Judy Galenza
Let’s get Curling back in Schools!
The CACS has the ultimate goal of providing for-credit curling programs in the Camrose based educational school systems, from Junior High up to and including university education.
Assuming that this goal meets with success, we hope that this programming can be provided to other schools / school divisions in Northern Alberta to try to get more of our youth involved with the great game of curling and to help utilize curling rinks in Northern Alberta that have the capacity to take on more curling youth based programming.
The opportunity to participate in the sport of curling as a student started many years ago. Pictured to the right is a Camrose High School team from 1938. From left to right – standing are Mal Roth and Paddy Francoeur. Sitting are Dave Ayre and Rolly Hawkins. Mal, Dave and Paddy all went on to be successful life long Camrose residents and businessmen.
Curling is a great sport and activity that can be played and enjoyed by participants of all skill levels and competitiveness as a recreational pursuit through to competing in top level competition. Above all, through all levels, it is a game about friendship, sportsmanship, and a great life long social activity.